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Prometheus gave us fire, I'm just trying to keep that spirit alive a bit.

Goings On (In General)

1 Dan 325, 06:44 Objavljen vUSA USA

So today we have the Party Elections.... Everyone knows my endorsement for the AAP, Citizen HEM. Currently, he has the lead.

So the number of dead Trentonians has risen to 197 from the 170s at the last local elections. I attribute this in

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Citizen HEM: Video Endorsement

6 Dan 324, 20:21 Objavljen vUSA USA


I will release a transcript later of the video for those of you who can't see it just yet (I just uploaded it, and it needs to be processed so be warned).

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Evan Bayh: A Short History of My Impression of Him

4 Dan 322, 15:41 Objavljen vUSA USA

Well let me start from the beginning....
When I joined eRepublik, I first joined the USWP which was at the time under the leadership of Roby Petric. When I found that Peregrine had assumed the Party Presidency quite suddenly and without notice to

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Some Fun Facts (kind of)

4 Dan 321, 07:35 Objavljen vUSA USA

Citizen HEM joined exactly a month after Evan Bayh.

Citizen HEM founded the off-site forums and for the most part administrates the forums and was the most active member until I came along.

Citizen HEM works for one of the companies owned by

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Apologies and Endorsements

7 Dan 319, 20:35 Objavljen vUSA USA

So I cannot write this article without starting off with a load of apologies. First I need to apologize to all eUSA citizens who were expecting me to post some debate questions almost a week ago. I've had exams and quite a load of homework that was

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