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Prometheus gave us fire, I'm just trying to keep that spirit alive a bit.

[Elections, War and Party Updates]

6 Dan 383, 16:25 Objavljen vUSA USA

Ok, so I'm quite late in writing my reaction to the presidential election, but I've got more important RL work to do for finals.

Congratulations, to Benn Dover, I think most knew he would be re-elected, however, I felt Leo … preberi več »

So I promised Uncle Sam....

11 Dan 380, 15:30 Objavljen vUSA USA

So I promised Uncle Sam that as one of the so-called "Party Leaders" I would write an article in his absence so that the AAP would not disappear for four days.

AAP Member Running for President Chooses Another AAP Member as VP
The most

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Review: "Presidential Platform of Leo Ruby"

5 Dan 378, 07:06 Objavljen vUSA USA

In case it wasn't clear before The Prometheus Press endorses Leo Ruby for Country President in the upcoming race. It encourages its readers and subscribers to go out and vote for Leo.

For those of you too strapped for time, we are going to

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Grain and Magic

1 Dan 375, 06:58 Objavljen vUSA USA

Hey everybody,

I'm selling the company I bought only a few days ago with Leo Ruby. Neither of us really have the time to manage it and we don't want to screw those players who are working there by making them think we don't care because we don't

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Party Presidential Race and Other News

6 Dan 374, 06:43 Objavljen vUSA USA

So I've been in frequent conversation with both Leo Ruby and Uncle Sam lately.

First of all, it should be known that Leo Ruby and I bought a company together and are splitting ownership 50/50.

Investments are available but the most percentage

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