Goings On (In General)

Day 325, 06:44 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

So today we have the Party Elections.... Everyone knows my endorsement for the AAP, Citizen HEM. Currently, he has the lead.

So the number of dead Trentonians has risen to 197 from the 170s at the last local elections. I attribute this in no way to Chimichonga Barbosa's mandate as mayor but do find it disturbing.

We currently have 67 employed Trentonians out of 91 citizens. Admittedly there are a couple SOs but not enough to have that kind of effect on the unemployment numbers. This means that 26.4% of our citizens are unemployed. This is also no fault of momofemmett's. She is doing a great job trying to find jobs for these unemployed citizens.

Anyone living in Trenton who sees this article, please contact her immediately to find a job.

Also, it seems as if the transparency in the transactions of the Trenton Treasury SO has encouraged donations. This is perfect. We need all the donations we can get.

Finally, when doing that video last night I noticed that I sound nothing like that recording in real life. It kind of makes me laugh.... a lot.

So remember:
1)Vote Citizen HEM
2)Contact momofemmett about getting a job (if you live in Trenton)
3)Donate to City of Trenton Public Works SO (if you live in Trenton)
4)If you have questions feel free to message me
5)Vote, subscribe and comment