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Prometheus gave us fire, I'm just trying to keep that spirit alive a bit.

Chimichonga Barbosa

4 Dan 306, 06:23 Objavljen vUSA USA

The Prometheus Press wishes to whole-heartedly congratulate Chimichonga Barbosa on his election to Mayor of Trenton.

As the press has been noted to have said, "I believe there are only two solid choices for Trenton, Chimichonga or IJL IV".

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Campaign Trail: 1 Day Left

5 Dan 304, 06:44 Objavljen vUSA USA

So recently [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/article-656582.html]Chimichonga Barbosa[/a] and [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/article-654182.html]Aubra Elvie[/a] both posted their platforms. In short Chimichonga and I have markedly different platforms

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Taking a Break from the Campaigns to Update about eRepublik

3 Dan 302, 07:22 Objavljen vUSA USA

As can be read in my article last night, I predicted that this might be the last mayoral elections before V1 and I was correct. (It was a lucky guess, nothing more.)

Whoever is elected mayor in these elections will not have a full month long term,

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Campaign Trail: 4 days left

4 Dan 301, 17:07 Objavljen vUSA USA

So recently I have been talking to Chimichonga on the eRepublik IRC (really just tonight). We both seem to have equal admiration for each other and are quite delighted that we have competition in the race for the mayoralty of Trenton.

Just so

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Questions and Concerns

5 Dan 300, 19:48 Objavljen vUSA USA

Hello citizens of this great city of Trenton as many of you already know, I, Ian John Locke IV, am running for mayor of this wonderful township.

Up until now I have posted articles about my platform and updating you on the platforms of my

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