Some Fun Facts (kind of)

Day 321, 07:35 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

Citizen HEM joined exactly a month after Evan Bayh.

Citizen HEM founded the off-site forums and for the most part administrates the forums and was the most active member until I came along.

Citizen HEM works for one of the companies owned by a fellow AAP member (Uncle Sam).

Citizen HEM often writes more articles than Evan Bayh relating to the AAP and eRepublik in general.

Citizen HEM is often the first to welcome new members to the AAP forums.

Now for some facts relating to me....

Last month, The Prometheus Press received 828 views on all the articles. This was 4.79 times the first month's views (173) on many fewer articles. However, this month (with this being only the second article) The Press has received 82 views. A tenth of the previous month's views.