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Prometheus gave us fire, I'm just trying to keep that spirit alive a bit.

AAP Party President

2 Dan 372, 10:30 Objavljen vUSA USA

So many of you probably heard today that Citizen HEM, a great man, player and politician is resigning from his office tomorrow and is to be replaced by Uncle Sam.

I had actually been pushing for a Sam led party for a while there but was content

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To Reiterate

1 Dan 330, 16:25 Objavljen vUSA USA

Just to make sure all is clear and confirm all transactions, the City of Trenton Public Works S transfered 21.18 Gold and 154.98 (had to leave a penny) USD along with 23 Q2 gifts to my account for safe-keeping.

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Good Bye and Good Luck

4 Dan 329, 16:48 Objavljen vUSA USA

Well I know a lot of people are leaving eRepublik because of v1, however, someone who I consider a close friend and mentor, Checkers, has decided to leave the game. Someone who helped me form my run for Mayor of Trenton and someone who has been a

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Run for Congress

2 Dan 329, 07:28 Objavljen vUSA USA

In V1, we all knew that there would be candidates that would be voted into Congress individually. As much as we may hate it, V1 is here and we have to vote for our representatives in Congress.
Automatically each party was given 40 candidates (the

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In Order are the Congratulations

7 Dan 326, 08:47 Objavljen vUSA USA

Well, first of all congratulations to all the Party Presidents elected yesterday and installed today. Most importantly, though, is the new party leadership for AAP, CITIZEN HEM!

He ran a great campaign which clearly paid off in the long

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