Evan Bayh: A Short History of My Impression of Him

Day 322, 15:41 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

Well let me start from the beginning....
When I joined eRepublik, I first joined the USWP which was at the time under the leadership of Roby Petric. When I found that Peregrine had assumed the Party Presidency quite suddenly and without notice to myself (as I wasn't ever allowed onto the forums) and this bothered me that such back room deals appeared to take place.

After this I left the USWP and joined the AAP having originally been sent a message by Uncle Sam (his name was quite easy to remember, even if the AAP wasn't). After joining I was immediately welcomed by both Uncle Sam and Evan Bayh and Citizen HEM. I promptly joined the forums and Citizen HEM was the first to welcome me there (the forums).

Evan, however, seemed to take interest in my interest and both he and Uncle Sam taught me many of the things I had not learned in the USWP.

Why am I talking so favorably of Evan Bayh?! (I'm sure you're all thinking variations of that.)

Well I'm writing this to show that Evan was not always a bad guy! Although lately he has become quite irresponsible in his actions and those are what I plan to highlight.

Evan Bayh had a set of people he kept in the top 5 no matter what and seemingly without reason:
These people included members such as Anti-Change, The Goddamn Batman, and Leo Ruby.
None of these three people use the forums at all anymore. They seemingly have no interactions with the base of the party and no one really knows if they advise Evan or not.

Evan Bayh uses party ranking quite mercurially
The Goddamn Batman has seemingly done nothing to help the party, and for this he is rewarded with a top party position.
The same can be applied to Anti-Change and Leo Ruby.

Evan Bayh does not hold to important promises which can affect the course of the party
Uncle Sam and Evan had an arrangement which meant Uncle Sam would run for President of eUSA and Evan would retain title of Party President. Evan reneged on this promise costing the AAP it's last chance at the presidency before V1. Had Uncle Sam run and been elected, the AAP would have received a huge boost in membership being the top party.

Evan Bayh lies consistently
As some of my constituents have pointed out, Evan Bayh lets others do the work and then takes credit.
A prime example is that Uncle Sam does the majority of recruiting for this party, and Evan claims to have brought the party to its current membership level which is dropping off since Uncle Sam has stopped messaging new players.

Evan never uses the most important aspect of the party - The Forums
Some newer players have more posts than Evan on the forums and not because they have no lives. It's because he never signs on anymore.

Evan Bay knows he's guilty of the aforementioned
When someone is guilty and knows it, they either defend themselves vehemently, own up or just don't say anything at all. Evan's silence is that of a guilty man.