Apologies and Endorsements

Day 319, 20:35 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

So I cannot write this article without starting off with a load of apologies. First I need to apologize to all eUSA citizens who were expecting me to post some debate questions almost a week ago. I've had exams and quite a load of homework that was just dumped on me quite suddenly. I barely had enough time to work and train everyday let alone write an article or the questions or moderate anything.

Secondly I must apologize to Justinious and Uncle Sam. I was planning on writing a really strong article endorsing them for President and Vice President of eUSA before the elections. Obviously I never got around to this. To them I am deeply sorry, although I don't know if another endorsement would have helped that much but maybe if it would of I take full responsibility for having poor time management skills.

Now I can get on the the endorsements. The party elections are coming up soon (although I don't know if V1 will interfere with these, hopefully not) and I believe most AAP members feel it is time for a real change in the AAP.

A few weeks ago I was placed as tied for 5th place in the party with Leo Ruby so the game would alternate us to give us fair amounts of time on the top 5 list. When first placed there I was truly honored and was quite worried that someone would complain that someone who was only a member of the party for barely a couple weeks had risen so quickly through the ranks.

Now I am a man of my word and I expect others to follow their promises as well. So, this in mind, once I realized Evan Bayh was not going to honor his promise to Uncle Sam, I started an campaign against him that was quite undercover. Once I started publicly endorsing Uncle Sam and calling him out on blatant lies, I was demoted. Now I don't complain because I"m not here to be a higher up in the party, I'm here to help eUSA and AAP be their best. Then Uncle Sam started moving down the ranks too! That is just too much! We need new leadership in the AAP and that will come in the form of Citizen HEM.

Citizen HEM made the AAP forums. He tries to keep us active on the forums (although I have the most amount of posts). Citizen HEM dedicates a lot of his time to the AAP and only wants the best. He called Evan out on the reorderings before I could (even though I hadn't planned to mention my own).

Now if you want to hear about a few of Evan's lies, here's a list:
1) He claims to have done most, if not all of the recruiting that has gotten the AAP to its current member size. LIE

**The truth** is that that Uncle Sam sends out more than 50 PMs a day (if not more than 100) recruiting for the AAP. Uncle Sam has done the majority of the work to get this party to where it is

2) Uncle Sam agreed to let Evan run for president on the AAP ticket. LIE

**The truth** is that Uncle Sam and he talked about it and Uncle Sam wouldn't back down.

3) Uncle Sam wouldn't have won anyway. LIE

**The truth** is that if Uncle Sam had run on the AAP ticket, he would have had the support of the Libertarians... the LARGEST PARTY in the United States.

If he'd had most of the largest party behind him as well as the AAP, guess who would be president right now? That's right Uncle Sam.

So the choice is clear:
If you want to see this party die, choose Evan Bayh.

If you want to see this party live and flourish, choose Citizen HEM. Citizen HEM has the guts to stand up to corruption and say NO MORE!

Stay tuned for more on this AAP PP election.

(Vote and subscribe if you like what you saw.)