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Prometheus gave us fire, I'm just trying to keep that spirit alive a bit.

Debate Questions

6 Dan 313, 13:31 Objavljen vUSA USA

Good afternoon all,

I plan to have the questions ready for the eRep Presidential Debate by tonight. If anyone who sees this article has any questions for the candidates at all that they would like me to ask, please reply in a comment as my inbox

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eRepublik Presidential Debate

10 Dan 311, 19:21 Objavljen vUSA USA

The Prometheus Press proposes to the people of eUSA that there be a debate held among the presidential candidates as the next national elections are in less than six days. The Prometheus Press is willing to host or moderate the debate to be held on

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Reprint: Trenton Treasury Update (Citizens of Trenton PLEASE READ)

0 Dan 309, 21:51 Objavljen vUSA USA

As was posted a few hours ago by Chimichonga Barbosa, mayor of Trenton, we have created an SO to manage Trenton's Treasury after V1 is released. We saw today that they are updating the servers for the release of V1 so clearly it is nearing release.

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And Now for a non-Reprint: Subscriptions

2 Dan 309, 18:39 Objavljen vUSA USA

As has been reported by Chimichonga's and my newspapers, he and I have created an SO for Trenton's treasury, I'm sure by now that Trentonians are sick and tired of hearing about it but I think one final thing is important and should be brought up.

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Unemployment in Trenton

3 Dan 307, 17:05 Objavljen vUSA USA

Upon reading another article posted recently by a close friend of mine in another city about their high unemployment rate, I became curious about Trenton's own unemployment rate. Upon some quick research I found that there are 66 citizens holding

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