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So the F*ck What?

17 Day 321, 22:42 Published in South Africa South Africa

So the F*ck What?

Consider this my "better late than never" response to Sucko's intrusion into the BLF/PAX forum and my final word on the subject.

So that's it? Really? Those pictures in that craptastic little article of yours, Sucko?

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South Africans Unite! Esteban for President!

5 Day 315, 08:24 Published in South Africa South Africa

As we all know, the need to unite en masse behind a single candidate is paramount to winning the next election. The one man who has always stood for freedom, independence, and has worked for it every day of his life here in SA is Esteban Delgado. He

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Proof of where the ISAR money is

14 Day 309, 19:40 Published in South Africa South Africa

It's come to my attention that although most or all true South Africans believe us when we say we've got the money in our possession they would feel more comfortable about the situation if they could see a screenshot. So I've taken all of 5 seconds

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Well, the Indos have screwed us over yet again

42 Day 306, 23:09 Published in South Africa South Africa

Well mates, as part of my efforts to be an internationalist and get other nations working together to rid our fair country of the CAU infestation, I did indeed reach out to the feudal Indo government for assistance. Not begging or even particularly

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There Ya Go Scrotes, I've Got the Money Now!!!

11 Day 306, 20:43 Published in South Africa South Africa

Okay all you morons: lay off Esteban. Now you can go ahead and start hating on me now. I've got the 6000 ZAR sitting nice and happy in my bank account. Protecting it from the dirty Scrote hands who try to take it. A few thousand less rand to use for

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