Well, the Indos have screwed us over yet again

Day 306, 23:09 Published in South Africa South Africa by Deus Ex

Well mates, as part of my efforts to be an internationalist and get other nations working together to rid our fair country of the CAU infestation, I did indeed reach out to the feudal Indo government for assistance. Not begging or even particularly asking for specific forms of help, by any means, but rather trying to form a coalition of nations opposed to their illegal occupation and general rape of the people.

I think it was rather big of me to reach out to the Japs considering all they've done to me and all they done to destroy South Africa only a short while back. I assumed they were decent and civilized people, however, who would be mature enough to see that their own sovereignty and safety was threatened here as well.

Well, I was completely and entirely wrong about that. Shame on me for giving a little credit and respect to those angry little rice farmers. I was way off. So now they've posted my form email as a public article and are having a nice little laugh at South Africa's situation and at me personally. Good job boys, really. You've really showed me who's boss. Well done. Piss off, suck mine. Take some solace in knowing nobody knows who or where your country is in the real world. Just in Erep. I guess that makes you something....

Note that other countries received virtually the same email and actually handled it in a civilized way. I guess the Indos are incapable of being adults. Bunch of children I suppose.

Go ahead and read all about it here, everyone. I encourage you all to read the article, which contains my email (unaltered as far as I've seen) and go ahead and make all the spam comments you please.

I encourage all the Croats to have a field day with this one, too. Write all your little spambot articles about how Deus loves japs, Deus wants Indonesia to Invade, Deus is a traitor, all of that BS. Go ahead and start printing your lies. Come on, let's hear it!

Never trust an Indo. Just as bad as the Scrotes.

Once we're done with the Croations, the Indonesians are Next.