Proof of where the ISAR money is

Day 309, 19:40 Published in South Africa South Africa by Deus Ex

It's come to my attention that although most or all true South Africans believe us when we say we've got the money in our possession they would feel more comfortable about the situation if they could see a screenshot. So I've taken all of 5 seconds to post a full page screenshot on Imageshack and am providing the link to everyone so that they can view it. As you can see, it's the 6000 ZAR we recovered from the Croation Government's ill-fated hospital plan plus a few kopeks of my own.

Full picture proof, crystal clear, that we've not stolen the money or spent it on anything. The money of the South African people remains safe.

I will be donating the money to Leif Archaix ina few days and I'm sure he'll post a screenshot as well. Don't be surprised when 6k zar gets doanted to him this weekend.

Hasta La Victoria Siempre! The Glorious Struggle Lives On!