There Ya Go Scrotes, I've Got the Money Now!!!

Day 306, 20:43 Published in South Africa South Africa by Deus Ex

Okay all you morons: lay off Esteban. Now you can go ahead and start hating on me now. I've got the 6000 ZAR sitting nice and happy in my bank account. Protecting it from the dirty Scrote hands who try to take it. A few thousand less rand to use for raping South Africa will do you guys good.

This is South Africa's money, taxes paid painstakingly by the REAL and TRUE South Africans for OUR country. And you thieving bastards will never have it back in your hands again. It is safe in Mmabatho, ISAR, in the hands of the revolution.

All 6000 ZAR of it. Check my profile for donations, it's all there. Take a good hard look, ladies. Make sure you can count all those zeroes, I know it's tough.

All eyes now look upon Mmabatho, Vanguards of the Revolution and Keepers of the Glorious Struggle. Time is Upon Us!