So the F*ck What?

Day 321, 22:42 Published in South Africa South Africa by Deus Ex

So the F*ck What?

Consider this my "better late than never" response to Sucko's intrusion into the BLF/PAX forum and my final word on the subject.

So that's it? Really? Those pictures in that craptastic little article of yours, Sucko? So let me get this straight....You created a false account using your own IP Address (not a proxy) and your personal email address (yep!) and impersonated Ryan Degari just to take a few pictures? And the impersonation wasn't even necessary! Most of the BLF, at this time, was open to unregistered viewers as part of our policy of openness and freedom of information. A lot of work and lies for nothing.

And the information he did get? Wow! A dozen screenshots of us joking around like we always do. And unexplained inside jokes at that, taken entirely out of context by an illiterate moron who doesn't seem to know his arse from a hole in the ground. A collection of misunderstood jokes about the likely pornographic preferences of the perverted CAU oligarchy of Sucker, Tomislob, and little Zocky? A joke about a certain BLF member's Romanian ancestry? Me talking bad about the Erep Admins? Really? That's it? That's all you could manage to find, Sucko? Nothing any worse or different than we write or comment about in the Newspaper section! And the joke about the Admins? Read the official Erep forums. They're a mighty unpopular lot! Worse has been said about them, trust me. Calling them morons is practically a compliment compared to other opinions!

So you gained entry and had us all believing you were Ryan Degari for a few fleeting moments. It wouldn't have taken much to have Esteban assign you access to the rest of the forum and you could have seen every detail about PAX, BLF strategy, our revolutionary activities, etc. But, in your bumbling incompetence, Sucko, all you were able to get ahold of is screenshots of a few jokes. ANd then you have the audacity to make up the lie that we sent CAU members porn? Really? What a load of trash.

Consider this proof, if nothing else, of the complete incompetence, idiocy, dishonesty, and general worthlessness of the current CAU oligarchy and Sucko in particular. He had what you might consider a golden opportunity to subvert the BLF and make us look bad. Instead, all he did was showcase once and for all what a simpleton he really is. Hear that Sucko? It's the sound of one hand clapping. What a complete and total fail!

A special note to CAU Membership:
I have heard that Sucko is being favored in the recent party president elections for CAU. Think hard, is this the person you want leading CAU and representing you to the rest of the country and the rest of the world? A person who thinks nothing of lying, stealing, impersonating identity, and then screwing up a golden opportunity of espionage against political enemies? Sucko is clearly incompetent and a failure as a minister, politician, and now a spy. Think hard if this is who you want representing you and your political party. I think the three amigos of Zocky, Tomislav, and Sucko have made you look bad for long enough, don't you? Maybe you should elect a different choice.

Translation (courtesy of Google Translate -- my apologies if this is bad)

Posebna primjetite da CAU Članstvo:
Čuo sam da Sucko se preferiraju u nedavnim izborima za predsjednika stranke CAU. Think hard, ovo je osoba koju želite vodećih CAU i predstavljaju li na ostale zemlje i ostatak svijeta? Osoba koja misli da ništa od laganje, krađa, impersonating identitet, a zatim screwing up zlatno priliku za špijunažu protiv političkih neprijatelja? Sucko je jasno nesposobni i neuspjeh kao ministar, političar, a sada špijun. Think hard, ako je to koji želite da predstavljaju vas i vaše poltical stranke. Mislim da tri od Amigos Zocky, Tomislav, i Sucko ste napravili ste izgledati dovoljno dugo za loše, zar ne? Možda biste trebali izabrati različite izbor.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Hvala što ste našli vremena da pročitate ovaj.