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Please Don't Be Stupid and a Brief Personal Update

10 Day 997, 18:38 Published in Ireland Ireland

Teachtaí Dála of Ireland,

I write this article encouraging those of you undecided on the current impeachment proposal to vote NO.

Why? Simply because there is no reason to.

5n4keyes has been hardworking, active, and dedicated to the

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Shame On You, admin

13 Day 975, 18:58 Published in Ireland Ireland

I had some spare time today, so I decided to check out the "Complete offers and get eRepublik Gold" feature which I've been meaning to do for a while.

The first offer I investigated charges you 10 dollars a month and you get 8

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Common Sense

2 Day 975, 15:44 Published in Ireland Ireland


I write to you today to announce my candidacy and disclose the platform for the Day 978 congressional elections for the Southeast of Ireland as a member of Ireland.

Most of you likely already know me either through this newspaper or my

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Introducing eJobs Interview Ireland BETA [UPDATE]

14 Day 973, 11:55 Published in Ireland Ireland

The employment sector of v2 has so far faced a very rough road. There has been an international lack of one profession, while hundreds of another sit unemployed. Countless employees have been laid off due to the lack of profitability of companies.

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For Fascism (and teh Lulz)

6 Day 965, 18:48 Published in Ireland Ireland

Greetings my brothers, (or whatever you silly right-wingers call Comrades)

I call upon you on this great day to announce my candidacy for the position of Party President of the United Irish Alliance.

If elected President I hope to emphasize

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