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A Big Thank You

7 Day 923, 17:30 Published in Ireland Ireland

Today, I would like to issue a Big Thank You to everybody who so far has helped, guided, and welcomed me as a new citizen of eIreland.

To start off, I would like to thank Apples123 for his incredibly generous donation of a Q1 house to me. (Yes,

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eSocialism and eCommunism

17 Day 920, 20:15 Published in Ireland Ireland

They say, “Communism is a good idea, but it only works in theory.” I say, “eRepublik is a theoretical game where the efforts of a full days work are represented by the click of the mouse.”

Why eCommunism and eSocialism should be given a

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The Japanese-Korean War

4 Day 919, 18:47 Published in Ireland Ireland

Dear readers,

After about spending half an hour writing this article, I tried to publish it and it failed, resulting in me losing everything in the process, so excuse me if the following is a little rushed.

As you all may be aware, Japan, our

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The Unveiling of the Press/My Contest Entry

7 Day 915, 12:25 Published in Ireland Ireland

Ladies and Gentlemen of eIreland, today I unveil to all of you, Gutenberg's Press.

Gutenberg's Press will be my personal, irregular newspaper where I voice my own opinions and other tidbits.

Now, without further ado, I present my entry to [url=

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