Please Don't Be Stupid and a Brief Personal Update

Day 997, 18:38 Published in Ireland Ireland by JGutenberg

Teachtaí Dála of Ireland,

I write this article encouraging those of you undecided on the current impeachment proposal to vote NO.

Why? Simply because there is no reason to.

5n4keyes has been hardworking, active, and dedicated to the people of Ireland. What has been happening recently isn't 5n4ke's fault. I know when things go wrong it is the tendency of societies to blame it recently, but that simply isn't the case here.

The seconds place candidate John Smith 2k9, who would become president in the case of an impeachment, is currently on vacation. And while I'm not trying to make any personal attacks on JSK, his platform seemed rather lacking and in such a critical time for Ireland's future such as this I don't believe he would be the best president.

Now for a personal update...

Recently, real life has been... real life. I'm on vacation next week so I should have a lot of time and I'll probably publish several articles within the next week or so.

I'd like to say thank you for re-electing me into the Dáil and despite my current (temporary) lack of time I've been doing my best to serve you. I would also like to say thank you for voting me for the Most Acclaimed Publisher award and again, despite my current lack of time I'll do my best to keep you entertained.

Your friendly neighborhood Journalist,