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[GUIDE] Removing the Lana $isters!

15 Day 960, 19:42 Published in Ireland Ireland

If, like myself, you are not a testosterone crazy teenage male who won't play a game without the suggestion if scantly clad women for five minutes, or potentially simply female, you might not appreciate the Lana $isters in the way the admins

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[FREE HOUSE!] Passing It On...

8 Day 956, 14:03 Published in Ireland Ireland

When I was but a wee Irish babe crawling around on the streets of Dublin, losing more health than I could afford to keep up with, a benefactor, Apples123, found me and gave … read more »

It Looks Like admin Has Been Hacked...

8 Day 953, 20:32 Published in Ireland Ireland

... Or he/she/it finally realized something...


Seriously, though?

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eRepublik Rising, Changing Militaries, and My Decision

10 Day 952, 19:58 Published in Ireland Ireland

On Friday, the admins announced the opening eRepublik rising Open Beta. Like almost everyone else, I was able to try out v2 for the first time. (Actually that’s not true; I got beta testing account approved one day before it went public.)

To this

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[Attempted Skill Migration Guide] Trying to make sense of it all...

4 Day 948, 21:30 Published in Ireland Ireland

Everybody, including myself, is probably pretty overwhelmed right now with the new eRepublik Rising Open Beta and skill migrations.

I've heard multiple people say their going to wait for guides before they choose their skills so I decided to

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