Common Sense

Day 975, 15:44 Published in Ireland Ireland by JGutenberg


I write to you today to announce my candidacy and disclose the platform for the Day 978 congressional elections for the Southeast of Ireland as a member of Ireland.

Most of you likely already know me either through this newspaper or my posts in the forum.

I am basing my platform on the principle of common sense.

The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines common sense as sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts.

I personally define sound and prudent judgment as decision that benefit Ireland and its people.

I swear to use common sense as the base for all of my actions, and to not let personal prejudices or potential gains interfere with my decisions.

My main accomplishment in the Dáil this term was the abolishment of the sign-in system. For those who aren’t familiar with Dáil policies, the sign-in system is a thread where once a week where someone. Since we aren’t under threat of PTO, and even if we were it wouldn’t prevent anything, it seemed the only logical thing to do was abolish it.

I know this doesn't sound like much, but as anyone who has ever served as aTeachta Dála knows, to create even a minor change in Dáil policy is very challenging.

I have also been a very active Dail member with at least 40 posts this term in countless topics.

Other accomplishments of mine:

Creator of eJobs Interview Ireland, a program to help employees and employers together find jobs and benefit the people of Ireland.
Teachta Dála/Congressman representing the people of the Southeast of Ireland in the June-July term.
Two-time ambassador to Romania and Austria
Voted Newcomer to Watch for June 2010
Winner of the New Citizens Writing Contest in May 2010
Author of the Gutenberg’s Press with 49 subscribers
(Reserve) Private in the IDF Air Defense Forces/Helicopter Division
Ex-ICA Tone Column Member

Since I am a strong advocate of Congressional transparency, I am willing to share my voting record with any citizen who requests me to, however it is a huge wall of text so I’m not going to include it in this article.

My activity in the Public Dáil can be found here. My posts in the Private Dáil, however, are likely private for a reason.

I also encourage all citizens who want theirs views represented or otherwise have questions to message me, as it is my job to represent you and your opinions.

TL😉R? Vote JGutenberg for Dáil Éireann on July 25th 2010/Day 975; it’s common sense.

~Your friendly neighborhood journalist and dedicated congressional representative, JGutenberg