For Fascism (and teh Lulz)

Day 965, 18:48 Published in Ireland Ireland by JGutenberg

Greetings my brothers, (or whatever you silly right-wingers call Comrades)

I call upon you on this great day to announce my candidacy for the position of Party President of the United Irish Alliance.

If elected President I hope to emphasize and embrace the theories of fascism, racism, general bigotry and cheating as so gloriously bestowed upon us by our party founder, the glorious Ronald O’Reagan.

I will also weed out all party members straight, Aryan, Christian, Fascist male, which I’m sure is also the wish of our founder.

I also intend to help develop the long term goals of the party, including setting all tax rates to 0% and effectively removing all government revenue, the disbandment of the IDF, position of elected President, the state industries, descending Ireland into a state of original chaos.

I also hope to make Ireland into a Presbyterian theocracy and start a Irish inquisition to purge our countries from unbelievers.

While most of you are likely Ron's multis, I ask the few innocent newcomers that were tricked into the UIA by Ron to vote for me on the 15th.

I will now proceed to buffet you with pictures of Ronald Reagan doing random things because it seemed to work for Ron last party presidential election.



~Your friendly neighborhood journalist and chief wizard of eIreland, JGutenberg

BTW for everyone who isn't older than two days this a joke article.