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eUK Invasion, Phase 2 [UPDATE]

7 Day 947, 20:15 Published in Ireland Ireland

Today I'm not going to write any fabulous journalistic piece about what's going on because I think a picture explains everything.


-2,037,190 damage and

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Guess Who's Running for Dáil Éireann?

4 Day 945, 18:29 Published in Ireland Ireland


That’s right, your usually friendly neighborhood journalist, JGutenberg is running for Dáil Éireann as a member of Labour in the Southeast on the 25th.

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Don't YOU Love School? A Few Valuable Elementary Lessons

9 Day 941, 10:19 Published in Ireland Ireland

Don't YOU love School?

Because I do!

First of all, my favorite subject, Math!

Here's a good problem:

The Irish Freedom Party currently has 147 members + Ronald's 18 deserters and himself.

In the recent party presidential election,

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Jster: An Investigative Report

66 Day 938, 22:52 Published in Ireland Ireland

An indefinite but presumably rather short time ago, a mysterious man arrived in Ireland from half way around the globe. Yesterday, his citizenship request was illegally approved by Ronald O'Reagan in spite of all Irish immigration laws.

Within 24

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How Dumb Do You Think We Labourers Are? A Tale of PTO Faildom

11 Day 936, 16:52 Published in Ireland Ireland

I know 4 articles in 36 hours seems a bit extreme, although in contrast to what may appear I actually do have a life... I just have a really nasty cold and have honestly nothing better to do this weekend. That, and this is somewhat interesting.

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