Shame On You, admin

Day 975, 18:58 Published in Ireland Ireland by JGutenberg

I had some spare time today, so I decided to check out the "Complete offers and get eRepublik Gold" feature which I've been meaning to do for a while.

The first offer I investigated charges you 10 dollars a month and you get 8 gold, however it's in not obvious. Real sleazy, but this is hardly the worst.

What really pissed me off was this offer that gave you two free gold if you downloaded and played this game called "Bomb Squad." Interestingly enough, I can't find this offer again.

It contained this following link to

If you download and play this game you can get two gold for free. However, of course there is a catch; it installs a f*cking Trojan Virus on your computer. No joke. Thankfully, my anti-virus protection alerted me of this and I quickly removed both the program and virus from my computer. However, if it hadn't I'd likely be two gold richer and have a Trojan going through my personal files. My initial screenshot of this failed and I'm not inclined to attempt to download it again to take another. However, if you don't believe me I invite you to check out the link yourself.

Considering the integrity of the previous offers I didn't dare attempt any other offer, let alone ones that required me to enter my PIN.

So, now I ask you admin: installing trojan viruses in your customer's machines for a few cents each? Is this how low you can go?

There is of course a legal disclaimer, but this isn't about legal technicalities this about damn respect for your customers.

"These sponsored offers are provided by a third party service, not by eRepublik. Please read all fine print associated with any offer, as the conditions for each one are different and some offers can take from several hours to several days to credit your gold account. If you are missing eRepublik gold from completing an offer, please go to the "Offer Status" to report the problem to the offer provider. As soon as your offer is completed and approved you will receive an eRepublik alert."

Interestingly enough, in the FAQ there is the following question and corresponding answer:

Q: I’ve heard that some of the sponsored offers contain malware. Is that true?

A: Obviously neither eRepublik nor the offer providers wants to promote anything that’s going to harm our members. We selected the providers we work with to make sure that they can quickly remove any offers that members report as harmful or suspicious; and we have already removed numerous offers based on user reports. Again, make sure you read any fine print before completing a sponsored offer, and remember the age-old rule – if something doesn’t seem right to you, don’t complete the offer.

Again, have you no shame?

~Your pissed of investigative neighborhood journalist, JGutenberg