Introducing eJobs Interview Ireland BETA [UPDATE]

Day 973, 11:55 Published in Ireland Ireland by JGutenberg

The employment sector of v2 has so far faced a very rough road. There has been an international lack of one profession, while hundreds of another sit unemployed. Countless employees have been laid off due to the lack of profitability of companies.

My own migrations glitched up, and although I tried to migrate as a Marketing Manager I somehow ended up as a Project Manager. I've sent in a ticket, but of course the admins haven't done anything about.

I was then forced into the career of a Mechanic, which was at the time of my choice the highest paying job in the market. For a while I was being paid 2.6/hour as an assistant Mechanic, until I was fired. Then I worked as an underpaid mechanic for a few days, until my company ran out of Raw Materials. For the past few days I was serving as an Apprentice Harvester in the Irish State Land Training. Today, I finally got my first job as a Project Manager.

But this isn't about me, it's about helping other people.

What I would really love to do is create an external eJobs site where employees can list their skills and companies would list their offers. It would then sort both lists through a variety of means, and it would automatically generate matches. But I don't have enough time or programming skills to do so.

What I can do, however, is create a Google Spreadsheet of citizens of Ireland seeking work.

And with that I would like to introduce eJobs Interview Ireland BETA, a database of citizens searching for work in Ireland and their skills.

For those seeking employment, please fill out this form.

For employers seeking employees, check out this spreadsheet to see who's available.

UPDATE: I've created an option where you can mark yourself as "already employed." I'd like to ask everybody to fill it out even if you already have a job you're happy with, just to get the ball rolling and create an index of active Irish workers.

If anyone wishes to change their status or skills please message me.

UPDATE 2: Added "current happiness" and "current health" as required fields.

Thank you.

~Your friendly neighborhood journalist, JGutenberg