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Personal thoughts on the financial situation – tax increase needed

14 Day 779, 06:14 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

First of all let me congratulate ww88 on winning the presidential elections and nicholas2000 on a good run. And now onto the actual topic, state finances.

You all know that I’m a supporter of low taxes and I was against raising the taxes

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About the government controversy + some other stuff

13 Day 754, 03:51 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Okay, it's time I share my opinion in detail on the issue that had the active part of the nation up in arms the last few days. So here it goes.🙂

Controversy around the government

A few hours after the president elections ended Vikta

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A farewell from Malaysia

19 Day 751, 04:07 Published in France France

Dear people of France,

I have come to say goodbye (hopefully only temporarily) in the name of Malaysia. Our MPP with you have just run into the last 24 hours meaning that it will get deactivated in your war against Spain and to my knowledge the

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The immorality of not defending Japan

37 Day 749, 06:41 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

There is a very important topic that hasn't been discussed in our media yet, that being the US invasion of Japan and the issue of where we are standing on it.

The story in short is the following. The USA has been drawing up plans for months now

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Vote for Nagyzee today!

28 Day 746, 06:30 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Dear Malaysian citizens,

Today is the day when we elect our new president and I'd like to humbly ask for your votes. I honestly think that I'm the best choice for Malaysia currently. I'm actually a strong leader and a very hard working guy, and I

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