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On illegitimate citizens - UPDATED

18 Day 878, 06:02 Published in Malaysia Malaysia


I thought it's better if I summarize in public in a new article why the Serbian citizens who have received Malaysian citizenship in the last two months are illegitimate. Probably not all of the Serbian newcomers know either that they were

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Why are you still playing this game?

57 Day 875, 20:04 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Hello all,

Long time no speak.🙂 It has been ages since I last wrote an article. Yes, I didn't do it in the last days of my presidency either for which I hereby apologize. I was a rather bad president this time because I got totally frustrated

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KettÅ‘s mérce

13 Day 848, 08:01 Published in Hungary Hungary


Előre is elnézést a maláj propagandáért (c: Heidar), ha nem érdekel, ne olvasd. Csak azért írok, mert kicsit mellbe vágott a nem gyenge kettős mérce [url=

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On recent tax proposals

33 Day 839, 22:33 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Hello everyone!

It seems recently our tax system is (in my opinion undeservedly) under heavy pressure from certain congress members. mansour09 has his own opinion about the economy that I think is plain wrong but at least he used the proper

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Nagyzee's presidential platform / Platform Perdana Menteri Nagyzee

22 Day 835, 15:21 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

(Malay version below)

Hello everyone!

I've decided to step in once again as a candidate for country president to offer competition and a good alternative choice. Maybe this is the last time we can afford to have a normal … read more »