About the government controversy + some other stuff

Day 754, 03:51 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Nagyzee

Okay, it's time I share my opinion in detail on the issue that had the active part of the nation up in arms the last few days. So here it goes.🙂

Controversy around the government

A few hours after the president elections ended Vikta shocked the country with appointing a few foreigners and newcomers into key positions of the cabinet. A huge part of the effect must have been that virtually nobody knew about what was coming. I certainly did not for example. Ranger Bob who was appointed MoFA had been living here since a few weeks prior and he moved here from another Sol country while ExoM7 who was appointed deputy MoD is an old Sol citizen too and former president of Singapore. I don't think that many had issues with their (and especially Ranger's) appointment. What created a real outrage was appointing William Duncan and SaraDroz, just stepping down as president and vice-president of Canada as MoD and deputy MoFA. William didn't even come to Malaysia and apply for our citizenship as far as I know.

I don't agree with those who see them as EDEN agents and their appointment as a sign of us wanting to belong to EDEN's sphere of influence but I can understand where they are coming from. The stepping down CP and VP of an EDEN country was included in our cabinet after all. I have known Sara and William for some time and I have no reason not to trust them. I have had issues with other things though. First, with acclimatisation. It certainly requires a different mindset to lead a neutral country and knowing our history, past relations with certain countries and so on helps, too. William has stepped down in the meantime, and we will see how Sara can overcome these things.

But most importantly these appointments mean a silent admittance of us eMalaysians being unable to govern ourselves. Apparently Vikta didn't find anyone in Malaysia qualified enough for these jobs and maybe he wasn't satisfied with the performance of the former MoD and MoFA either. (Yes, that was him.😃) This is what bothers me the most. It's a silent acknowledgement of failure without anyone actually admitting that in the public. And are we really unable to govern ourselves? Or did the problem lie more with our current and former leadership? But then why were they kept in power by the voting population if they proved inadequate in leading the country?

Let's take a look at the Ministry of Defence for example! Maybe this is a bit unexpected for some but the know-how is not flowing into Malaysia from Canada currently but the other way around. William Duncan is popularizing the survivor kit program in Canada and probably it has partly to do with seeing it here.🙂 The planned structure of our military was decent and the survivor kit program that was started at Fragreg's advice is absolutely state of the art, with many big nations not yet having similar programs and the more progressive ones starting with it only 1-2 months ago. So why was our military close to non-existent?
We certainly had a few people enthusiastic about kicking life to our army though most probably too few. But what was really missing was adequate leadership at the top giving guidelines and adequate authority to subordinates while keeping them motivated and helping them and drawing in more useful people into the structure. ExoM7 will have to excel at these things if he wants to succeed and will have to find the right people among eMalaysians to realize his plans unless we plan to import a whole military staff.😃

And now on to some short news.

Sol chairman elections

Sol chairman elections were held on the 10th of December with Erius winning with 3 votes. Out of the eight member states four didn't turn up for voting, Malaysia being one of them despite two eMalaysians running for the chairman position (SaraDroz and me). To be honest I'm very disappointed about this.

Government communication

I've voiced my displeasure with the current practice of the president using his own newspaper for official communication instead of the government bulletin both in private and then publicly under one of Vikta's articles but it seems it was in vain. This is another thing I'm quite disappointed about as it's a rather cheap practice in my opinion. Many presidents do this but that doesn't make it any better. Especially that even the more technical information is published there. (Like the cabinet list, MPPs to accept and so on.) There's absolutely no information in the official government bulletin lately.

A petition about the new training system

Yesterday I started an open letter about the new training system, the unfairness of eRepublik and about the game becoming free only in name to a too big extent. You can find it: HERE.
If you agree, please sign it! Thank you.

Best regards,