Vote for Nagyzee today!

Day 746, 06:30 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Nagyzee

Dear Malaysian citizens,

Today is the day when we elect our new president and I'd like to humbly ask for your votes. I honestly think that I'm the best choice for Malaysia currently. I'm actually a strong leader and a very hard working guy, and I have the dedication and expertise to carry the government on my back. I've been doing it for half a year now so I know what I'm speaking. My and my vice-president's persons are a guarantee for a very active and communicative government and I'm sure that our enthusiasm will revitalize the whole government and hopefully the country as well.

You can read my platform: HERE.
And my vice president pick's (Carr De Vaux's) platform: HERE.

Please vote Nagyzee / Carr De Vaux for December!

Best regards,