A farewell from Malaysia

Day 751, 04:07 Published in France Malaysia by Nagyzee

Dear people of France,

I have come to say goodbye (hopefully only temporarily) in the name of Malaysia. Our MPP with you have just run into the last 24 hours meaning that it will get deactivated in your war against Spain and to my knowledge the French government has no intentions of renewing it either.

I don't know what you think of Malaysia and whether you'll have good or bad memories of us. I don't know whether you regret saving Malaysia and losing your old friends because of that. I hope you don't. All I can say is that we are very grateful for your help without which we wouldn't be on the map now and I do regret a lot that our help was not enough in fighting off the Spanish invasion. We did the best we could. And we would have liked to do so in the future as well.

Also I don't know what you think of Lyne's foreign policies in hindsight. I understand that she is the most unpopular French in the game now but she has brought you several new friends and a reputation of France being a courageous and righteous nation that stands up for oppressed nations. I do know that you are trying to reconcile with your old PHOENIX friends now and I'm sorry that we won't have a place among your allies any more (or for now) but I hope that at least the friendship remains. I also hope that you will keep your courageous ways so many have admired around the world lately.

Hopefully that 60-70k damage we could put up for you daily won't be missing and you'll succeed in retaking what is rightfully yours. I can only wish you the best of luck and offer my sympathies. We surely won't forget that we owe our very existence to you to a very large extent. Thanks a lot for everything France!

Best regards,