The immorality of not defending Japan

Day 749, 06:41 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Nagyzee

There is a very important topic that hasn't been discussed in our media yet, that being the US invasion of Japan and the issue of where we are standing on it.

The story in short is the following. The USA has been drawing up plans for months now about entering Asia and liberating (and/or renting and/or taking for themselves) the high iron regions of China and maybe India currently under PHOENIX occupation. The reasons are manifold. These regions are the engines of the Hungarian, Iranian and Indonesian economies and their loss would weaken these countries quite a lot. If the USA could keep one of these regions it would be a huge boost to their economy while scoring good points with the nations in the region and getting the fame of being liberators.

The USA have also got the support of China so there was only one little nation in the way, Japan. Japan is a PEACE nation that long sought to bring PEACE back to its roots as a defensive alliance and basically there is only one stain on their pedigree. That is this summer after serious threats they let Indonesia through Kyushu to attack the USA. The government agreeing to this has been voted out and the Japanese have sworn never to allow anyone through again. Thus when the Americans came knocking they were always turned down. That's why the USA decided to forcibly cut through Japan into mainland Asia.

So where do we stand on this? On one side we have the USA (with who we had an MPP because of war games) and indirectly China (our Sol ally) while on the other we have Japan with who we still have an active MPP with. Our government has declared neutrality on the issue and issued orders to fight in a training battle instead of Kyushu. This might very well be the most logical approach and in case of countries interests are quite often more important than morals still I felt I have to voice my opinion of this decision being immoral.

The approach of "both have helped us so we are staying neutral" is rather cynical. Because in this case as well there is an aggressor and there is a victim. Moreover when the real Indonesian invasion started Japan could and did support us fully while EDEN and the USA simply declared that other targets are more important (Croatia and Finland were under very heavy attacks) and that they won't send any help even if we are on the brink of annihilation. And they indeed didn't send any organized help even when Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia fell and the wall in Sarawak started rapidly decreasing. To top it off several American users, including high ranking ones were gloating and cheering at our demise.

To be honest I would have been very glad if Japan had let the USA through into Asia but alas they did not. They are a sovereign nation and the USA is violating that sovereignty with attacking them after their offer was turned down. And I myself can't support such an action even if it might be for the greater good. The Asian liberation tour of the USA is ironically starting with a hostile invasion of a non-aggressive nation and this fact will have a stain on it no matter how righteously they act later.

There's one tiny little detail I'd like to point out that bothers me even more. We didn't only stay out claiming neutrality in the conflict but our military orders contained a link to an article of the American president that details their reasons to attack. This shows that whoever issued the orders not only thinks that we should stay out but probably also thinks that the American invasion is justified. Call me an idealist (in fact I'm a weird mixture of an idealist and pragmatist😁 but I can't agree less with it being justified. If they manage to take Kyushu and start living up to their promises then they will have my support however this opening move I simply despise even though I understand why it's necessary for them and how it's needed for the liberation of Chinese and maybe Indian regions.

Yesterday I fought for Japan as that's what my honour and heart dictated to me. Today I'll fight for France to help their attempt of retaking an original region from Spain and you should all do so.🙂

Best regards,