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Cheaters win, honest people lose

30 Day 829, 00:36 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Well, people this is the ultimate law of eRepublik, a game that probably has a good shot at the "Most Cheating Infected Browser Game" honorary award. The Serbians have several dozens of multiaccounts here, and this is not accusation

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Goodbye Pakatan Rakyat

37 Day 819, 03:40 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Today is another very sad day for Malaysia as unity is fast becoming a curse word used only with a great dose of irony. The Serbians have captured 3 parties uncontested which is already bad enough but something much worse happened as well.

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Actions and consequences

18 Day 816, 16:03 Published in Croatia Croatia

Hello everyone!

This will be a short, straight to the point article. I'd just like to point out one thing for you. It's that your invasion of Austria had some quite grave consequences on the other half of the world. Because of your attack Austria

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Advice for congress members

9 Day 799, 04:48 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

This article is about the basics of congress work and etiquette. I'd like to ask all new congress members to please read it and take the advice. Thank you.🙂

Congress work

Most of the congress work is happening (or at least should be

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Tax reform + forums

3 Day 781, 22:22 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Hello everyone!

This will be a short notice. I've started the official discussion topic on the tax reform on the national forums. Please check it out: HERE! It'

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