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Playground bullies

13 Day 745, 06:12 Published in USA USA

Hello everyone!

So what has the last few days taught us? As for myself the biggest lesson was that several of the strongest countries in eRepublik show a very childish behaviour. Okay, this is not a new thing but the last few days have been

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Please help France if possible!

9 Day 744, 09:25 Published in Bolivia Bolivia

Dear citizens of Bolivia,

This is just a short plea I'm writing to you as an ordinary citizen from Malaysia. As you know France is currently under attack on her original territories by Spain. The Spanish say it's for revenge for France conquering

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So who are the traitors?

55 Day 744, 02:13 Published in France France

Hello, people of France!

I hope you will forgive me for taking up space in your media with an English language article.


I'm sure most of you have seen this outcry lately a lot coming especially from Hungarian and

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I'm running for president

26 Day 743, 05:40 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Hello everyone!

When I stepped down after 3 months of presidency early September I didn't have plans to run for president ever again. At least not any time soon. Yet because of the rather grim circumstances I'm here 3 months afterwards throwing

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To all eMalaysians stranded in Indonesia

12 Day 738, 20:46 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Dear eMalaysians and allies,

Today is a day we can all be proud of. At times it looked like that we would lose everything today and we indeed lost quite a lot. But in the end we won the most important battle with the skin of our teeth. Now we are

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