Personal thoughts on the financial situation – tax increase needed

Day 779, 06:14 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Nagyzee

First of all let me congratulate ww88 on winning the presidential elections and nicholas2000 on a good run. And now onto the actual topic, state finances.

You all know that I’m a supporter of low taxes and I was against raising the taxes significantly last month and advocated for starting donation campaigns instead. Before the Indonesian attacks and the increase in MPP costs Malaysia’s incomes were enough to finance everything really important and even to save up money slowly but steadily. Since the start of the Indonesian attacks our reserves have been declining quite fast though. During their attacks in late November we had to spend more than 1200 gold to survive. At that point however we could still raise several hundred golds through one single donation campaign. That’s why I advised Vikta to try donation campaigns first before touching the taxes.

And a few weeks later he tried. Unfortunately quite unsuccessfully. Many thanks to those who donated but there were too few of you. I think there are two reasons for this:
- People spending out in the battles against Indonesia
- And way more importantly the new training system
Lana is hungry for gold and the users are feeding her with their excess money, not the government. It’s of course absolutely understandable. On the other hand it means taxes will have to be increased radically if we don’t want the state to become bankrupt in a few weeks. I haven’t made calculations yet but I feel income taxes will have to be increased to around 15-18% while VAT will have to be increased slightly, too. (To around 2-3%.)

On top of that I’d still like to urge everyone to donate a little gold (or any other currencies) to the Central Bank if you can afford it. We really need it. If our reserves decrease further it will seriously endanger our ability to defend the country through MPPs and expensive military operations. (Starting a battle in a barely populated region costs as much as we collect in taxes over a whole week.)
I’d especially like to ask our congress members to return to the tradition of donating (a big part of) the 5 golds they receive for the congress medal to the Central Bank. It’s a nice tradition that has died down quite a lot lately. So let’s revive it! Party presidents could inform congress members / candidates about this tradition and take into account at the next elections their candidates’ willingness to donate as a criteria. Being in congress is a service for your country and donating a part of your winnings is a nice acknowledgement of that.

For some of the eMalaysians there is another way to make money, too. Since a few months ago there is an offer system in eRepublik where you can get gold for filling out surveys and stuff like that. If you live in Malaysia in real life or in Eastern or Central Europe then most probably you won’t have any free offers though. On the other hand if you are an American, a Western European or for example Australian you will probably be able to acquire a significant amount of extra gold by filling out surveys. I know it’s boring but if you have a little time for it you could fill some of the free ones. (Some require purchasing other products – ignore those.) And then maybe you could donate some of these golds to the Central Bank, too.😉
If you want to make good money on offers, it's best if you read this tutorial article and the experiences of eUS citizens regarding offers here and here. I hope I could help. Happy hunting for those free golds!🙂

All in all the harsher conditions will require more personal sacrifices from us either through increased taxes and/or through donations to ensure Malaysia survives. I hope everyone understands and accepts this. I'll start a discussion topic on tax increase on the forums in the Congress section shortly. Please make sure to enter the discussion there, too. Thank you.

Best regards,