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A Burden Lifted, A Chance at Redemption

5 Day 758, 07:39 Published in South Africa South Africa

This morning has dealt a serious blow to The Channers and their threatened PTO. There’s no need to post links in this article, because you can find them in half a dozen other ones or by looking yourself. But that doesn’t change the fact that the

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War against our oppressors.

11 Day 754, 18:51 Published in South Africa South Africa

There's been a lot said about war with eIndo. We in eSouth Africa know that better than most. We've been oppressed by eIndo longer than most other countries.

I'm not going to go on about what people have said and what they're saying, I'm not

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In the wake...

9 Day 747, 07:59 Published in South Africa South Africa

With the results of the last election, I feel it should be clear to everyone that there is a population of dissatisified and upset people in eSouth Africa. This population is centered in The African National Alliance, and their leaders are some of

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How to troll an entire nation.

13 Day 715, 20:28 Published in South Africa South Africa

Last week, Exilious, without any sort of congressional backing or support, went to the eAmerican forums and petitioned EDEN and eAmerica for support in liberating eSouth Africa's occupied regions from eIndonesia and eBrazil.

Nothing new there,

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An Honest Opinion from an Honest Man.

13 Day 710, 20:05 Published in South Africa South Africa

There's a great deal of information spinning around here, people with agendas, some sound, some monstrous, and a great deal of confusion. I hope a straight, cut and dry opinion can help settle some of it. I'm going to say some things that are going

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