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For The Third Republic! For The Black Shield!

18 Day 794, 08:41 Published in South Africa South Africa

Desperate after beatings by eUSA and eAustralia over the past few months, eIndonesia has moved against eSouth Africa, violating their NAP in typical fashion. Urged on by their slaves, eBrazil, and desiring to return eIndo to the pedestal EDEN so

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Defend eSouth Africa!

3 Day 794, 07:05 Published in USA USA

In four hours, the MPP pact proposed by eSA president Mark Morcom will pass, and the eUS, the world leader that it is, will be able to enter the fray on the side of the disproportionately smaller eSA in its war of oppression against eIndo.

I urge

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Bitter Truth

13 Day 791, 05:49 Published in South Africa South Africa

There’s been a lot of feel good articles published in the past few days. A lot of uplifting, positive articles with an attempt to soothe a wounded nation’s pride. This isn’t going to be one of those articles. I’ve never pulled a punch, and I’ve

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Official Retractment

22 Day 786, 08:47 Published in South Africa South Africa

Firstly, I'd like to apologize to Walter Beldingford ( In my last article, 'Once More... With Feeling!', I insinuated that Walter Beldingford and the infamous Ajay Bruno were, in fact, the same

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Once again... with feeling!

25 Day 785, 10:55 Published in South Africa South Africa

Today, The Channer formerly known as Muscleroller, under the new account of 'Kim Jong-Ok' ( wrote an article attempting to diffuse the situtation him and his fellows were responsible for several

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