An Honest Opinion from an Honest Man.

Day 710, 20:05 Published in South Africa South Africa by Epic Thoughts

There's a great deal of information spinning around here, people with agendas, some sound, some monstrous, and a great deal of confusion. I hope a straight, cut and dry opinion can help settle some of it. I'm going to say some things that are going to upset my friends. I'm going to say some things that will upset people who already don't like me. I'm going to be as blunt as I can. And, in the end, these are my opinions. Take them for what you want, but know that they're as honest as I can make them.

I'm not going to throw gold at the advertising department to get this thing out where people all over can read it. I'm not here to stroke my ego. I don't need that. I'm going to count on honest people giving me an honest vote. If you like it, vote it. If you like some of it, vote and leave a comment. If you don't like it, leave a comment. But I'm not going to whore myself out to the admins for a vote.

1st off; Make no mistake, we are at war.

Negotiations and NAPs be damned. Indonesia and Brazil have had their feet on soil they have no right and no claim to. They have forced us to bend to their will, and they will ultimately show us no respect. We can come to them with requests for region returns, with offers of diplomacy all we want. The only things these people respect is the damage you can put up in twenty four hours, and the length of your MPP list.

Despite what Exilious and the ANA would have you believe, no one in eSouth Africa loves eIndonesia. Some of us may perform business with them. Some of us may have Indonesians on our friends list. No one has forgiven them for the year of occupation and tyranny they've forced on us.

No one.

Any claims otherwise are a complete lie. You ask anyone Exilious has labeled as 'furhers' and other such provocative names what they think about eIndonesia, and you will uncover a hate that goes further than that guy's ego.

2nd; The tanks are on their way.

There is every reason to believe we will start seeing RW in the occupied regions within a week. eAmerican special forces are currently in Java, where eIndonesia has a Q5 hospital. The string of RWs in China and other parts of Asia and Australia are all the indicators I need. Exilious' thread in the eUS forums was the catalyst that put eSouth Africa in eAmerica's and EDEN's cross hairs. It is inevitable.

3rd; Everything crumbles before the weight of greed

The only reason Exilious made this move, without any sort of approval, consensus, or backing, was that in the hope of a victory, which is in no way assured, that he would ride the wave of approval into office. I do not believe for one moment that there is any sort of care for eSouth Africa, its future, or its people in this man's actions. He doesn't care if this fight is won or lost, because is eSouth Africa is removed from the map again, he'll simply move on to another country and start all over.

His only desire is that of greed. He cannot be trusted.

He is as much our enemy now as the likes of Wizzie_Don was during the Second Invasion.

4th; Neutrality is not an option.

This is the part that is going to get me into more trouble than anything else I've said tonight.

When ATLANTIS feel, eAmerica took a stance of neutrality. It took awhile, but PEACE made them pay for it. The mighty eUS was forced down to one region. One lone region. Everyone should carefully consider that fact when discussing anything about current events.

However, things change. After the eUS was forced to pay for its neutrality with almost complete annihilation, it pushed back, and started winning. And boy have they been winning big. There's no reason to expect the momentum to stop anytime soon, either.

The tanks are on their way. We will see RWs. And, we'll probably win them. So why not stay neutral?

Because we will be made to pay for it. Consider for a moment, the possibility (inevitability in my mind) that we might win. We thank EDEN and eAmerica graciously, and politely refuse an MPP. Indonesia and Brazil will crush us once again. We all know PEACE cannot be trusted. I hope eSouth Africa doesn't have to learn that lesson another time.

But what sort of option is joining an alliance when our only other option is destruction? It's a piss poor one, that's for sure! But it’s an option we can’t afford to pass up. I don't wan to side with PEACE. We all know they can't be trusted. Nothing they've ever done has shown that they are worthy of trust. Sometimes in life you find that decisions are out of your hands and that you have to make due with what you have. If Exilious hadn’t screwed everything over, I would suggest on waiting a week, maybe two, to see how eIndonesia replies to the Australian liberation. But now that we don’t have that option, I encourage each and every citizen of South Africa to reach out to EDEN, to make contact with them, and to embrace them.

They’re our only option. The only option as far as I can see.