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Loyalties in times of war.

9 Day 482, 18:17 Published in USA USA

The more I look back at the events of the past few weeks, the more and more it strikes me that I’m reading some sort of book or story. Does anyone else feel that? America invades Mexico, with half a dozen pretexts circulating as the motivation for

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The War and eMexico

3 Day 475, 20:49 Published in USA USA


With victory looming ever closer, and the mounting opposition to eAmerica's actions against eMexico, I felt it would be appropriate to take a look at our neighbor to the south, and seeing what a few of us might not have noticed almost

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Victory and Distraction

5 Day 467, 08:00 Published in USA USA

With the recent victory of eAmerican forces in the northern territories of eMexico, many people are either jubilant or angry at these events. eAmericans find themselves on a thrill ride that most of the newer generation of players (myself included)

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