War against our oppressors.

Day 754, 18:51 Published in South Africa South Africa by Epic Thoughts

There's been a lot said about war with eIndo. We in eSouth Africa know that better than most. We've been oppressed by eIndo longer than most other countries.

I'm not going to go on about what people have said and what they're saying, I'm not going to go on about who might be right, and who might be wrong. I have an unpopular opinion in the fact I feel eSA should support EDEN. The disaster that was ATLANTIS left a bad taste in everyone's mouth and few are willing to forget that.

I'm going to move to America, and fight, now that EDEN has a foothold in Asia. I'm not going to stay here in eSA like other people who feel we should ally with EDEN, and remain safe and secure. I'm not going to sit here and bray and cry and throw a tantrum because I didn't get my way.

I have nothing but respect for those who believe diplomacy is the only path eSouth Africa has left. In many ways, I think they're right. It's realistic and it's honest. But I cannot abide by what eIndo, PEACE, Pheonix, or whatever they want to call themselves now have done.

My advice, should anyone believe it worth anything, is not to sit and wait. I urge each South African who desires to see our oppressors punished for their crimes to come with me. I urge those who feel as I do, that war against eIndo is not only our right, but our responsibility, to join me

Do not be shamed by the drivel and idiocy that the likes of Exilious and Cornelious, greedy, arm chair patriots who refuse to become involved with the conflict they back, shame us from our opinions. These men have used our cause for their own ends. They have claimed time and time again that they desire to liberate eSouth Africa, bastardizing our right to freedom, hoping to use it as a means to promote their own plans and selfish desires.

It's time we took it back from them. It's time we fought. It's time we showed The New World just how eSouth Africa feels about those damn eIndos.