How to troll an entire nation.

Day 715, 20:28 Published in South Africa South Africa by Epic Thoughts

Last week, Exilious, without any sort of congressional backing or support, went to the eAmerican forums and petitioned EDEN and eAmerica for support in liberating eSouth Africa's occupied regions from eIndonesia and eBrazil.

Nothing new there, right? We all know this, and we've all seen Exilious' numerous ads about claiming how he fights for freedom and fun in eSouth Africa!

I did a little researching at the time, contacting a few of the friends I have in positions among eAmerica and EDEN, asking them if there was any intention of putting eSA on their docket of RWs being fought around The New World.

The answer was not only a resounding no, but they also included a lot of negative opinions in regards to Exilious. Now, this was all before the latest PEACE offensive, which only started this week. The truth is that the tanks were never coming, that EDEN had no intentions for eSA beyond using the RWs as a distraction, and that the claims of Exilious were purposefully misleading and loaded.

In short, he trolled an entire nation.

It really shouldn't have happened. Exilious' own posts in the eSA congressional forums (before his ban, of course) displayed a lack of knowledge on how the eSAAF were divided and handled.

I hope this editorial serves to illustrate what sort of person Exilious is and what lengths he'll go to for the sole purpose of trolling.