A Burden Lifted, A Chance at Redemption

Day 758, 07:39 Published in South Africa South Africa by Epic Thoughts

This morning has dealt a serious blow to The Channers and their threatened PTO. There’s no need to post links in this article, because you can find them in half a dozen other ones or by looking yourself. But that doesn’t change the fact that the most recent threat to eSouth Africa has been turned aside for now.

Muscleroller, Cornelious, Exilious, several of their friends and their illicit accounts have been perma-banned for multi-accounting. Even as well speak, numerous reports have been filed, and are being filed, against their orgs to prevent them from accessing their ill gotten gains. These are the same men who shouted the loudest when good people like Gabe and Sireo were banned. These men denounced those who claimed Gabe and Sireo as friends, saying that the likes of The Dignity Brigade all used multi-accounts.

These men were the same who, when accused of using multi-accounts themselves, demanded proof and threatened to report people for liable and other charges. The irony of the situation brings a smile to my face. Counter to Exilious’ common tactic of taking credit, I’d like to share credit with those who deserve. I, personally, want to thank each and every citizen, no matter what nationality you might be, for each and every report, every piece of evidence, every single complaint you filed against these bastards. This was a massive effort that The Admins simply couldn’t ignore.

The Admins get a bad wrap a lot of the time. And while they weren’t able to save Ines from the crimes that were perpetuated on her, they did lift a burden from eSA, and they deserve a big thank you from everyone for it.

But now is not the time to rest! As surely as The Channers will return, in one form or another, a greater and more serious consequence of their actions looms now. Australia is suffering under a Brazilian invasion. We all know the story, so I won’t repeat it. But, with that knowledge comes the undeniable fact that we, as eSouth Africans, share in the blame.

This is our chance for redemption, my people.

I have never trusted the Brazos. I felt buying back our territories was wrong in every way. I felt the fact we were unable to achieve a military solution was humiliating. This new affront has only added to my distain for them.

In the face of these insults, in the face of the wrongs we have been forced to commit, we MUST support eAustralia! It is the duty of every single eSouth African to do everything they can to fight this eBrazilian aggression and redeem ourselves for the crime committed against our friends and allies in eAustralia!