In the wake...

Day 747, 07:59 Published in South Africa South Africa by Epic Thoughts

With the results of the last election, I feel it should be clear to everyone that there is a population of dissatisified and upset people in eSouth Africa. This population is centered in The African National Alliance, and their leaders are some of the most ardent and loud detractors of our government.

These dissidents, these political outsiders, these rouges have found eSA to be a force aligned against them, and feel that their only chance at political power, social acceptance and economic gain is to throw their support behind some of the most hated players in all of The New World. And this support gives power and credeance to those people who deserve none of it.

I encourage every eSouth African player to reach out to members of the ANA (those that aren't multis), to listen to them, to understand what they want and desire. If we ever wish to see an end to those people who think they can derail, sabotage and destroy our nation, we must remove their support. Go to the honest and sincere members of the ANA, and listen to them. Listen to them, and make them our neighbors and our friends.

While their leaders may not be eSouth Africans, and while their leaders may have only malice and immaturity in their hearts, the people of the ANA have something positive to add to our nation. It's time to let their voices be heard.