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The Right Way. The Right Thing.

1 Day 682, 22:08 Published in USA USA

I had this whole, massive thing wrote up, some rambling long rant about how one should act and how one should behave. About things my father taught me, and about things that I had learned. But, I felt after giving it a few read overs, I felt it was

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A Second Chance

2 Day 679, 15:33 Published in USA USA

What can I say? It's been awhile.

Over the course of last summer, which, even now, at the tail of September, seems like so long ago, I found myself away from the university, back at home, enjoying my summer break. Real life called, and,

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Things just went from bad to worse.

5 Day 664, 18:10 Published in USA USA

Russia invades. They've made video games out of the premise, and one of the greatest pieces of American cinema, Red Dawn, was based on the ideas. Up until now I had dreams of leading resistance wars, shouting, 'Wolverines!' as I gunned down an

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Articles of Unity (Indonesia)

3 Day 570, 06:18 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

This article will be published in America, Indonesia, and Brazil.

There are a few things I wish to say before I being this article in earnest. Firstly; all of my articles are my opinions. Honestly, they should be called editorials, because that's

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Articles of Unity (Brazil)

8 Day 570, 06:17 Published in Brazil Brazil

This article will be published in America, Indonesia, and Brazil.

There are a few things I wish to say before I being this article in earnest. Firstly; all of my articles are my opinions. Honestly, they should be called editorials, because that's

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