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Blah on a game...


16 Dia 872, 06:09 Publicado em Poland Poland

We have lost our rl President (I have dual nationality). We also lost important people, and I mean the Head of National Security etc... No doubt we shall have a fairytale about 'pilot error' or some such. We know the truth in our hearts. I, Sara

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Chucky Norris and Winning

10 Dia 861, 09:49 Publicado em Canada Canada

This article in not a Government view but my own personal view from the inside.

It is well known that Chucky Norris is most at home in Foreign Affairs and military situations and I',m sure the 'political' learning curve he has taken will … ler mais »

MoFa News and Explanations

11 Dia 857, 17:22 Publicado em Canada Canada

Here we go for another, not entirely spectacular, update on how things have been from the eyes of the eCanadian MoFa Office. There has been alot of 'dwama' and headlines this month but the MoFa and Government in general continue to work efficiently

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The Impeachment: Facts

12 Dia 857, 01:46 Publicado em Canada Canada

I have personaly heard the testimony of the ex Attorney General (Adasko) and the Minister of Justice (Zbliewski) on this matter - I am sure one of them can provide the logs.

A. The case of Samuel de C- came before the Supreme Court, … ler mais »

Sara Rant

22 Dia 850, 17:50 Publicado em Canada Canada

The Department and eCanadas Government in general continue well in my opinion, this a great credit to all concerned, particularly the President, Chucky Norris. One side issue of this I urge all to sign up for CAF TODAY!
CAF: See the world

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