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Blah on a game...

A Short Note: Chan and Phoenix

13 Dia 842, 06:28 Publicado em Canada Canada

I welcome the joint Eden/Pheonix statement on eSouth Africa in erep forums. If Phienix TRULY supports this I ask then why are they so reluctant to restore what they won not? I do have friends all over Phoenix and say this to you now: Prove your

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MoFa News

7 Dia 839, 19:08 Publicado em Canada Canada

Another month and change at the top but the Department remains the same: AF-team 🙂 We sadly took down the Portrait of jbdivinus and all saluted as the portrait of Chucky Norris was hung on the Office wall. Priorities will change but the planning is

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The Smell of Liberty: Victory in eBrazil

9 Dia 834, 14:09 Publicado em Canada Canada

Please not that I write this as a private citizen and not in any official capacity.

It is with great joy that today I can welcome another native region returned to eSouth African rule... Gautang, with it's high diamonds resources will … ler mais »

MoFa News and Explanations

11 Dia 832, 18:33 Publicado em Canada Canada

I apologise for not having written sooner to inform the public, please bear with me and I shall now rectify the situation as best I may. There are several matters that may require expanation and I shall get to them as well as updating you on the

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Naprzód razem

8 Dia 830, 04:18 Publicado em Poland Poland

Jak niektórzy z Was wiedzą, jako eKanadyjska MSZ miałam małą "różnicę w zdaniach" z Waszym MSZ - Swebudą w sprawie negocjacji z Francją. W trakcie dyskusji z polskim MSZ, skrytykowałam jego punkt widzenia, jako epolski punkt widzenia.

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