MoFa News and Explanations

Day 857, 17:22 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz

Here we go for another, not entirely spectacular, update on how things have been from the eyes of the eCanadian MoFa Office. There has been alot of 'dwama' and headlines this month but the MoFa and Government in general continue to work efficiently and smoothly away from the headlines. So without further ado here is a brief summary of what has been going on...

The Wars and Why

By now all will some idea of the coming importance, whenever V2 is introduced, of what are currently high diamond regions. These will turn into high titanium regions and titanium will be needed to produce some of the weapons coming; helicopters and tanks. Two of these regions are in occupied eSouth Africa so last weekend an effort was launched to liberate some regions of eSouth Africa with the innitiative taken mostly by our Brolliance Partners in eUSA and eAstralia. The timing was important as without a free a region eSouth Africa could not hold free Congress elections. The first phase failed but the second phase succeeded in the liberation of one eSouth African region. There can be little doubt that this action is good in terms of liberation from oppression and good strategic sense.

In the European theatre, after the failed attempt to link eCroatia and ePoland, first eSlovenia and then eHungary headed west across eItaly. The target was the ePolish occupied region of Rhone Alps. In a big showdown ePolands allies rallied to her side and gained a great victory against eSlovenia and it's MPPs. eHungary then decide to move west and was met by ePoland coming back the other way. eCroatia attacked the Hungarian bridge west and for now the innitiative would seem to be firmly with our allies and friends.

In Asia we saw a rash of region swaps between ePhilippines, eUSA and eChina due largely to fears of PTO in ePhilippines (see PTOs below).

Alliances and Diplomacy

With regard to Eden eCanada welcomes the new planning staff to advise Command and will continue to support our allies and participate in every way we can. We forget not the great friends who helped us regain our liberation and stand by them.

Recent reports have been coming in that, I quote: "but repect to ALA situation i tell you that ALA is dead." For those who are not aware ALA was a South American alliance supposed to unite them all. eBrazil is the single most powerful country in the region and we understand that they and eArgentina have withdrawn from ALA and now persue a sperate agenda. Based on their actions in in eSouth Africa this can only be the imperialist Phoenix agenda... Certainly there seems to be a state of change occuring in eSouth America and we are happy to welcome a new Ambassador from eUraguay to eCanada and pleased to open our first embassy in eVenezuela, admirably run by KyleDr. eCanada welcomes relations with all nations - big or small! We are not that strong yet but we do represent reason and justice in Foreign Affairs.

With regard to Brolliance; eCanada welcomes the Shield innitiative and is proud to see some of our most able citizens lend their time and support this effort. Mostly though we are overjoyed to see our Celtic friends and cousins eIreland join our close fellowship. Failte eIreland!!!!

With regard to eUSA and their Eden problems: Firstly I have the following statement from the eUSA Secretary of State (MoFa) BradleyReala: "The eUSA has had a rough week in regards to EDEN, but I'd like to assure everyone that no matter what happens we still see EDEN as allies, and Canada as our bros. If, and I must stress if, the eUSA decides to leave EDEN, we will attempt to do so in the most amicable way, and we will still continue to defend our allies and friends who've stood by us for so long." As you can see from this statement the issues lie essentialy not in the close friendships but rather in strategy. Strategy however is for Command to decide and while eCanada may disagree with some points we shall always support our allies in both Eden and Brolliance.

Earlier the French Ambassador asked both myself and jfstpierre (my colleague in the MoFa Department) if eCanada would have to make a decision between Brolliance and Eden if eUSA left Eden? Let me answer this for all: No! eUSA has NOT left Eden and even if they did Brolliance exists as it has done whilst being members of Eden. There is NO incompatability. Allies is allies no matter what name they call themselves...

The Elections and PTOs

Many eNations were threatened yesterday. However the results were an overwhelming positive. In eSouth Africa we welcome a new and free Congress, thus justifying the effort we all made for their liberation. ePhilippines was succesfuly held by good organisation as with eMalaysia. eAustralia motivated their voters well and came home safe. Some eCanadians helped in eBosnia and Herzogovenia and we are proud to report that this too was a succesful operation. eNorway reports in safe and efforts were succesfuly made to retain eCzech independance. ALL threatened nations resisted well and help was directed to areas most at threat. A good solid performance by all and eCanada sends its gratz! It is not over yet for there is always another month but this is a good result.


Do NOT panik! Life is more normal than the headlines and squabbles would have you believe. Quietly and efficiently in the background eGovernment rumbles on producing results in many areas. We have the innitiave in both the eSouth African and European theatres, Brolliance is stronger and eUSA will not leave it's Eden friends. PTOs are averted all over and the prospects are generaly good. Far away from the headlines we are winning.