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MoFa News

22 Dia 901, 16:05 Publicado em Canada Canada

A.The Department.

Preamble...*Sniffs about*... this room looks familiar, smells of my perfume... omg its the MoFa Office! My Staff are honourably taking down the Derek Harland portrait and replacing it with Frams, aka nea milosu. ler mais »

eFrench Relations: MoFa Truth

28 Dia 895, 19:00 Publicado em Canada Canada

Honour and Real Politik

A. A Brief Overview of eCanadas Strategic Position.

There are 4.5 routes to attack eCanada: 1. From eUSA. 2. From eIreland. Neither of these pose a threat at present. 3. From eUK 4. From eFrance and 4.5 From eRussia via

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MoFa News and War Analysis

30 Dia 892, 00:09 Publicado em Canada Canada

A.The Department.

Once again I am served by superb Staff who no doubt will soon be after my job! Jelly is a former President of eIndia on hand and so he has some experience, always handy for advice and an Asian expert above all others. M.H. … ler mais »

Defending Joint Interests [PL/ENG]

8 Dia 876, 16:45 Publicado em Poland Poland

Droga ePolsko, napisałam artykuł od siebie, usłyszawszy o śmierci naszego Prezydenta. Piszę teraz, jak MSZ eKanady i w imieniu rządu i obywateli, jeszcze raz przesyłam nasze kondolencje. Nie będę komentować tego, kto zajmuje się śledztwem...

W każ

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MoFa News and Explanations

15 Dia 874, 21:37 Publicado em Canada Canada

Yet again I am restored to my Office... We are however redecorating this term. Chuckys portrait has sadly been removed from the wall and Derek Harlands stood in it's place. The MoFa Department has every confidence in Derek to lead eCanada to the

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