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eAustria MoFa Report

11 Dia 936, 12:20 Publicado em Austria Austria

It has now been one week since it has been my duty, and my honour, to serve you as eAustrian MoFa... and as is normal (for me at least) I present the public with my report, my thoughts and my analysis.

"Why should Ministers do this?"

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Hello eAustria: Introductions and Targets

20 Dia 930, 20:38 Publicado em Austria Austria

Hello eAustria and pleasure to be in such a good skiing and walking Country... I remember my last skiing trip to Innsbruck... but that is another story 😉


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Acting President: End of Month

14 Dia 928, 18:30 Publicado em Canada Canada

Acting President: End of Month

My Role

A month ago I never envisaged having to write this now. It's been a strange month with many surprises (not least for me!). After nea_milosu (also known as 'Fram') was elected I started off as MoFa

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Acting President Report

24 Dia 924, 21:28 Publicado em Canada Canada

This month has tested many things; me not the least... It is strange that it falls to me - a member of the 'opposition Party' at the last election to have had to run eCanada at times. I hope I have served well in the periods of your elected

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VP Summary So Far: Transparency

11 Dia 908, 11:38 Publicado em Canada Canada

VP Summary So Far

The President has expessed his wish for 'transparency' within the the Government and with the eCanadian community. The public should have trust in their government and the only way we can function as truly unified nation is for

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