Sara Rant

Day 850, 17:50 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz

The Department and eCanadas Government in general continue well in my opinion, this a great credit to all concerned, particularly the President, Chucky Norris. One side issue of this I urge all to sign up for CAF TODAY!
CAF: See the world and kick it!
CAF: See the world and own it!
Coming soon! Join CAF and bomb the world!

The Region Rent in V2.

As a matter of principle all that I am screams "NOOOO! NEVER EVAH!!!!" I recognise that there is valid economic and strategic case to be made for renting what will become one our high titanium regions (currently high diamonds) but it somehow goes against all my natural instincts. Do we sell our soil? My natural inclination is a resounding negative. V2 is not yet here nor is any 'tennant' found or rent agreed. Let us therefore wait and see what V2 brings and what deal, if any, is proposed.

The eUSA Confuzzle

So recently we all went off to fight in what we were told was a crucial battle in eCroatia... oooh well not eUSA who went off to Sindh. Well Sindh was swapped briefly between eSerbia and ePakistan and failed and so did the eCroatian war... It turns out that the eUSA President has no direct power to ORDER the military. Indeed the Chiefs of Staff appoint themselves. I do not say this is bad in itself but the moral of the story must be that we must all work from the same script.

The eAustralia Confuzzle

I must apologise here to Cerb for having a temper: I apologise! Two days ago eAustralia, or their President, decided to attack eIndonesia, thus activating 7 MPPs against themselves. I was simply left wordless... First I thought 'Cerb must have been hacked'... no it seemed not. I lost my temper and for that I apologise. So I investigated more... it seems that eAus was, to some extent, not aware of the script before us, much as eUSA military above. eAustralia wishes to liberate eSouth Africa: So do we all but how attacking eIndonesia will help that objective is quite beyond me. Done is done however and we must draw lessons.

Eden and the Chain of Command

One of the most obvious lessons we must draw from the confuzzles is that we are lacking clear communication. Quite simply the 'script' is not getting where it needs to go... I know that some will call for change in Eden but I personaly do not agree with major change. I suggest adjustments;

A. A deicated Eden planning staff (one from each member) who will suggest plans, with times and costs etc, to the SC. When a plan is approved...
B. The Command meet weekly Presidents to brief them on the next weeks priorities.
C. Once every 2 weeks general meeting to clear up any other problems.
D. There must be a clear chain of command - if the SC and aSC are not available who decides? If he is not available then who? etc

Clear communication and working from the same script!

V2 and Hospital Scam

Let me quote Admins first: Many of you are somewhat worried about current companies and regions. As we have said before, no business will be lost, gone, “puff”, so no need to worry. If your company profile is no longer valid in the new module, it will be migrated into a new company. As a manger you receive Customization Points according to the company quality, and from there on it's up to you how do you...

Total rubbish! It is said that there are lies, damned lies and statistics... these are statistical promises! Remember how Lana was a trial run to be withdrawn? All complained, all economies in game nosedived and yet she never got removed... Look at the new hospital system also; how much is a Q1 food company worth now? Sod all since if you don't have a house and work in a Q1 factory you need Q4 food!!!! So much for helping new players...This makes the gold spent on Q1 food companies wasted. Can we 'Kami' in battle? Not unless you want to spend 5 days recuperating. The new hospital system stops battle damage unless you buy wellness packs. But this is the what they are after - money. ALL recent changes have been aimed at this one objective; making you buy gold. It ain't gonna happen my end.

Consider how a new player may find himself now... work in Q1 company and cant afford Q4 food so the state must help, where does the state get the money if the new player uses Lana? Gold is being sucked from every market in the attempt to make you spend real money to buy more. As it is illegal to criticise Admins I leave you draw your own conclusions.

Not a happy Sara and someone in Phoenix will pay come PVP in V2. You would NOT like me when I get angry...

Rant over and I stress again this is NOT Government opinion.