The Impeachment: Facts

Day 857, 01:46 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz
I have personaly heard the testimony of the ex Attorney General (Adasko) and the Minister of Justice (Zbliewski) on this matter - I am sure one of them can provide the logs.

A. The case of Samuel de C- came before the Supreme Court, brought by petz, a private citizen. The Attorney General says that he was instructed by the President to act in this in case - but to hurry.

B. The Minister of Justice however had no idea of this 'instruction' and also alleges that he was 'pressured' by the President.

Since the right hand did not know what the left hand was doing, the Minister of Justice over-ruled the Attorney General and as CSIS offerred no case the State essentialy presented no evidence and the Court acted accordingly in the only way it could, dismissing it.

In order to remedy this situation an ammendment has been proposed to the law to let the Attorney General be answereable to Congress alone and thus provide him with the ability to act independantly. This I wholeheartedly support.

The impeachment bears on the accusation of polictical influence on judicial Ministers. The problem has been that they ARE MInisters appointed by the President. Certianly a discussion is needed on how better to arrange this.

Well those are the facts. For you to decide.