Chucky Norris and Winning

Day 861, 09:49 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz
This article in not a Government view but my own personal view from the inside.

It is well known that Chucky Norris is most at home in Foreign Affairs and military situations and I',m sure the 'political' learning curve he has taken will have tried his patience. It certainly has tried mine hearing all your bickering. However let us take the issues 1 by 1:
Issues and Chucky is a Winner!

The grain arguement. Now I have had my run ins with Jacobi in the past but when he says something it is generaly wise to pay attention. The price of Grain is now rocketing due to the new hospital rules and still we are essentialy subsidising eCanadian grain companies with the import tax. Jacobi was correct to draw our attention to this matter. What was the Presidents role? He supported Jacobi in trying to bring this matter to Congress's attention and then accepted Jacobis resignation after Congress moaned. Result: Q1 food companies are now worthless unless you want gifting every day.

The SdC arguement. It is NOT upto the President to bring a prosecution. CSIS offered no case, the President asked the Attorney General to examine a possible case. The Attorney General was over ruled by the Minister of Justice who was unaware that the AG was acting for the President. What was the Presidents role? Again he acted entirely correctly! He was the only person willing to look into the legal matters involved! Result:

The impeachment arguement. I will publicly state that I voted against impeachment in CPF forums and advised my family against it. However Addy had a mandate from the Party and consulted DAL before Spencer acted. I stand with my Party and Addy 'teh Daddy' Lawrence. What was the Presidents role? Did he sack Addy Lawrence from the Government? No! Is he bitter? NO! Why? Because he serves ALL eCanada and welcomes critics! These are the actions of a true statesman, rising above the fray and dealing leniency where a fool would have punished.

The Spencer Magee and Pimp v. Coda arguements have sod all to do with the President and I will not comment on these issues further in public.

Meanwhile... Start paying some attention to important matters pls! It may have escaped your attention but we are increasing our population, including some great imports from abroad! Welcome Malchert, McRuden and Reddler! *Dances little dance* On the world stage and in Eden and Brolliance significant steps have been taken. Eden now has a much needed Planning Staff with a representative of each country taking part. Brolliance is enlarged and Shield formed and running well - expect more news on both these vital topics soon! Great things are planned and overseeing all this preparation has been... Chucky Norris! For all you 'bickerers', snipers and critics, wake up! Back in the game we is WINNING! The V2 reserve is rising, we have inflation(!), population up, idealy placed diplomaticaly... Slowly but surely Chucky has lead eCanada safely to higher prospects for next month.

I have known Chucky since my first appointment to eCanadas MoFa 5 months ago. Wise he was then and wise he is now. An ex-President of eUSA once said this: "I judge a President by how well he gets on with his Congress; if they give him no trouble he's a sh*t President." Hail Chucky Norris!

En final I quote a little part of an old song:

Not one is weak
Nor cannot play their part,
We stand together as one
A family at heart.

To those who stay true: Victory shall be yours!