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Citizens of the eUSA, THE day has come

29 598 jour, 11:41 Published in USA USA

Finally, I hope with the clear and present danger of an attack from both Hungary and Indonesia from both sides of our borders that the day has come for it to happen. we will find it or die-


Now is not the time for us

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AP: Thank you to Seeker1

2 593 jour, 18:31 Published in USA USA

On my next list of persons that I need to praise for their help and friendship during my time as Party President is, Seeker1.

Without these people my time as the AAP Party President would not have been nearly as accomplished, successful,

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AP: Thank you to Tormod

4 591 jour, 11:14 Published in USA USA

I thought about publishing this in its probably more deserving area of the AAP Newspaper, but at current there is already an article up there for today so to give it some airtime, I figured I would publish this here, in my personal newspaper.

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Frustration with the next election

0 590 jour, 06:34 Published in USA USA

I felt like we were making steps towards unity. I still do.

I had high hopes that we would have ONE good candidate in which we can all gather behind. This is not pointed at any person running for President in particular, Emerick or Harrison

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To Indonesia with love

20 588 jour, 06:03 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

We be coming for you!


But for the record, All of your moms are hot

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